A.T.A. – The Simple Method For Achieving Everything You Want In Life

My early days as a property investor were a constant struggle.
The problem had very little to do with finding the right deal, figuring out how to finance it, or getting around the nasty surprises that almost always happen. All those things just come with the territory.
My struggle, and I suspect this is true for many investors out there, was internal.
At some point, I was so full of fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs – I considered starting a new career as a world-champion procrastinator.
I’m not joking. I could kick the can down the road and abdicate my way out of making any decision that scared me… which was pretty much any and every property related decision!
So how did I break free from that loop? How did I create the life of freedom that allowed me to leave my day job behind, and a few years later semi-retire in France for three years? It boils down to three letters:
Meet the ‘Aim, Train, Act!’ framework.
The simple framework that helps you achieve ANY desired outcome in life.
It is not just limited to property investing by any means.
In fact, I’ll prove it to you right here and now.
Earlier this year I shared with you that for a very long time, I have had a goal of running a full 42km marathon.
Yet despite being at the top of my ‘New Year Resolutions’ list for five years in a row… I never did run that marathon… until last week!

To understand how I was finally able to achieve this goal (which has eluded me for more than five years), we need to go back to January.
In January, I finally applied the most powerful tool in my arsenal to my “run a marathon goal” – I put it through my ‘Aim, Train, Act!’ framework.
How Does ‘Aim, Train, Act’ Work?
It’s pretty straightforward:
You MUST set a goal.
I know this sounds obvious but if you don’t know where you’re heading you have no way of knowing if you got there.
What was your goal for your property investing in 2018? Did you even have one?
If you didn’t set a clear goal – don’t blame yourself. If you did set a goal, but didn’t make it – don’t blame yourself, either!
I failed to achieve my goal of running a marathon for five consecutive years. But that too is part of the journey. Because the goal you set is not a guarantee you give to yourself. It’s not a promise.
It’s merely a target for you to aim at!
It doesn’t matter if you hit the goal this year or not! The only thing that matters is that you set your aim.
Because once you’ve set your aim, you can move on to #2… - TRAIN
You MUST train and educate yourself.
Too many people skip this step, try to move straight from “goal” to “action” – and get badly burnt. Then they think they can’t do it, and give up.
(Which is exactly what happened to me with my marathon goal the first year, and what almost happened to me with getting into property!)
No matter what your goal is (what you’re aiming for) – the next step is figuring out what skills, knowledge, habits, and routines you need to develop. And then – spending the time to develop those exact abilities!
Here’s a surprisingly easy way to get started:
Look at someone who has already achieved something similar. And “reverse-engineer” how they got to where you want to go!
For my marathon goal, I started with reading some blog posts from “everyday runners”, who shared some tips on how to get started. That helped me figure out a few other questions, which I then wrote down:
– How to fuel and hydrate my body properly?
– How to nurture my body with the right amount of rest and recovery?
– Who to engage to assist with nutrition, massage and body adjustments?
– What clothes, shoes and equipment to invest in?
And most importantly: What are the specific steps I will follow to train myself for the occasion?
It was a whole new ball game that I had to embrace. To be honest, I was totally unaware when I began the process, just how deep the rabbit hole goes. But I’m glad I stuck to it and found out!
And my experience with property investing was no different.
Without proper training and education, without having the right skillset – you don’t stand much of a chance.
So what training and education have you completed this year? Make sure it’s taking you closer to your property investing goals.
And hey, it doesn’t need to be a university degree!
In fact, in most cases – it shouldn’t be ? However, if you really want something – you must set your aim, and commit to improve your knowledge, skills, and abilities (mental and physical) until you’re ready for part three of the framework: - ACT!
Nobody ever got rich by reading a couple of books on investing. No one has learned how to fish from reading a book on fishing. And no one has run a 42km marathon by just watching videos about it on YouTube (I tried. It didn’t work).
Attending seminars and building up your knowledge will give you the tools for creating wealth – but will not create wealth for you.
YOU must be willing to take the steps and get the job done.
And that’s the hardest part.
And the struggle is almost 100% internal. It has nothing to do with your goals or your skills, and everything to do with raw human nature.
I’ll let you in on a little secret.
Even though I’d been planning to run a marathon for years, and have been earnestly training for months now, I didn’t actually register for the event until a few weeks ago!
Yes, even after nine months of training, my brain was trying to trick me out of fully committing to my goal!
I was scared to follow through. I was afraid it would be too hard. I was worried it would hurt. And I had many, many more excuses laid up and ready to go.
It wasn’t until I finally paid for my registration, booked the flights and arranged accommodation that I actually cemented my commitment to completing this goal.
The really funny part?
That part – of committing, of buying the tickets, of registering at the hotel – that was the hardest part. The part I had the most doubts.
But once I pulled the trigger… once I committed… because I knew my goal, because I’d set my aim, because I trained for it and I was ready – running the actual marathon turned out to be easy!
Identifying What’s Stopping You
If your property investing journey has not taken you to where you thought you’d be, one of these three things is the reason:
- You haven’t set a clear AIM – so you don’t know where you’re heading
- You’re not educating yourself with a proper TRAINING plan – so you’re not strengthening the skills and knowledge you need to achieve your goals
- You haven’t let go of the ‘what if’ scenarios, taken a leap of faith, and pulled the trigger – just like with running a marathon – nothing happens until you fully commit and ACT to capitalise on all your training!
Look, I’m no guru when it comes to running a marathon. I am, however, an expert in build a property portfolio that allows you to afford anything you want in life.
If you want more from life it’s your right and privilege.
Go And Get It!
Yes, it’s going to hurt. Yes, there will be challenges and road blocks. But if you truly want the prize – you have to do the work.
The real benefit for me of running a marathon was the training I had to commit to, so I could get the job done. I’m not sure I’ll ever run a marathon again – but the benefits of preparing for one will serve me forever.
I am much healthier today than I’ve been in years. I can run further than I ever thought possible.
And that’s the lesson you should apply to your property investing:
Keep training, keep educating yourself and you’ll continue to lift yourself to a higher level.
Oh, and if you’re looking for the absolute best way to train your mind and develop an internal “deal finding radar” – the Ultimate Property Hub is by far your best bet:
The Ultimate Property Hub
Over 140 case studies, mini courses, fool-proof deal assessment formulas and our industry leaders knowledge base. Ultimate Property Hub is property education in your pocket that’s fuelled by a supportive community of industry insiders and property investors, just like you.
To your success!
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Aim , Train, Act! Very inspiring!
Thanks Timmy… inspiring and instructive! Hope you’re kicking some massive goals mate 🙂