Getting Started - Page 2

A.T.A. – The Simple Method For Achieving Everything You Want In Life

My early days as a property investor were a constant struggle.The problem had very little to do with finding the right deal, figuring out how to finance it, or getting around the nasty surprises that almost always happen. All those things just come with the territory.My struggle, and I suspect this is true for many […]

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What I Do When I’m Afraid

This blog post was originally a personal email I sent to my subscribers. I never received such letters of support as I did with this one. (I guess I’m not the only one who struggles with fears and doubts sometimes) And if you ever feel like your fears stop you from doing what you really want […]

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This Used To Drive Me Crazy

There’s something about the French that drove me crazy the first time we moved here.But when I suggested some Property Resource Shop subscribers to try it… the results were ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL.Click ‘Play’ to find out what it’s all about:The private mentoring opportunity I spoke about in the video above is no longer available so her’s […]

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Desperate Times Call For… Desperate Measures?

Bonjour Everyone, We’ve Arrived Safely In France!I hope you all had an awesome Easter and a great four-day break. We’re now settling into our lovely little French town, getting into the logistics of things. Kids will go to school real soon, which will be great.One thing I’ve noticed since being back is just the slow […]

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Life’s Too Short – Do What You Love!!! It’s been a year since we came back from France from our “once in a lifetime” 2-year adventure.And ever since we returned, we’ve been asking ourselves this question:Why Does Anything Good Have To Happen Just Once In A Lifetime?As a property investor, I often hear people describe a deal they’re involved in as “a once in […]

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Developing Property? Make Sure You Know The Answers To These 7 Questions Before You Start!

Property development can be the most effective way to maximise the value of your lot…… but with great power, comes great responsibility.If you know what you’re doing… it can make you rich very, very fast. But if you don’t… you’re setting yourself up for a steep financial fall.That’s why I wrote the Property Development DIY Masterclass – […]

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