Managing My Project - Page 4

When Financial Planners Invest In Property, This Is How They Choose Insurance

Financial planners drive me crazy sometimes.I don’t know about yours, but mine seems to have an insatiable thirst for coming up with the words possible “doomsday” scenarios.Now don’t get me wrong – we need them to do that. But seriously, that kind of thinking can give the calmest person on earth an anxiety attack!It’s just […]

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The Top 3 Mistakes That Send Property Developers Broke

If you’re interested in the fastest way to create massive wealth using property, then read every word of this blog post.You probably know that when it comes to cold hard cash, no strategy is a match to the obscene amounts of money that can be made in just ONE properly run development project.But hold your […]

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Revealed: 8 Key Tips For Obtaining Development Approval (Part 2)

Today we are continuing the series published last week dedicated to saving subdividers from possible property disasters.As I explained last week, this post should be seen as an important “refresher course” for those of you readers who’ve been around the block once or twice – and as a potential lifesaver for those who haven’t pulled the trigger […]

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Revealed: 8 Key Tips For Obtaining Development Approval (Part 1)

You are about to read a short blog post that can save you from a property investing disaster.So please pay attention to what I’m about to say. It is deceptively simple……especially if you’ve done “the subdivision dance” before and have a few runs on the board.You see, I’m about to reveal something you probably already […]

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A New Kind Of Test Improves Your Productivity In 15 Minutes

If you are like most property investors, you’ve probably had moments when you felt like you had too much to do—and not enough time to do it.You’ve also probably noticed how easy it is to become bogged down in unimportant or unnecessary tasks that waste your time and sap your productivity.But what if you could […]

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How Architects Can Help You Win the Game of Property

Whether you are looking to renovate, remodel or start a new build, every project can benefit from good design—and hiring the right design professional can help to make your vision a reality.Having said that, finding the right design professional can help you to smoothly navigate the building and approval process, maximise your profits and minimise […]

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