Recommended Business and Life Coach in South East Queensland

Jill McIntyre
Jill McIntyre has the uncanny knack of burrowing into the lives of those she works with as a life, business and property coach.
“Choice is a privilege we all have” notes Jill, and “taking action and never giving up on our goals and dreams is our birthright”. Her vision is in supporting others as they bring clarity, direction and outcomes into the lives of all that she walks beside. She’s had a number of successful business ventures over the years and agrees that running a successful business has many similarities to completing a sound property deal. The common thread is what’s in the middle, and that’s ‘US’. Get ‘us’ right and the world’s our oyster.
Her rule of thumb in property is to keep every deal simple and not to push council guide lines to their limits, as inevitably that costs money and time. To be very specific about the outcome you’re looking to achieve from a project, whilst knowing what strategies or combinations you’d use on any given property project is vital.
Jill is looking forward to helping you achieve your business and personal goals.
- 03 9001 8486
- PO Box 2545 Regent VIC 3072
Contact Information
Jill McIntyre
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However, no responsibility is taken for the service providers listed in the Rolodex.
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Should you find any of the Rolodex contact details incorrect or unsuitable, please let us know by clicking here.
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